Diecutting Punches – Straight Wall
Exact Cut Straight Wall
The straight wall punch provides important technical solutions in a wide range of very different diecutting applications. As the name suggests the punch has straight outer walls for use in close quarters where standard punches will not work, and generate a perfectly clean hole in the material being diecut. Using the best quality steel available combined with an innovative vacuum hardening process, AmeriKen produces straight wall punches with exceptional performance characteristics.
3/64 |
KSW-503 |
19/64 |
KSW-519 |
35/64 |
KSW-535 |
51/64 |
KSW-551 |
1/16 |
KSW-504 |
5/16 |
KSW-520 |
9/16 |
KSW-536 |
13/16 |
KSW-552 |
5/64 |
KSW-505 |
21/64 |
KSW-521 |
37/64 |
KSW-537 |
53/64 |
KSW-553 |
3/32 |
KSW-506 |
11/32 |
KSW-522 |
19/32 |
KSW-538 |
27/32 |
KSW-554 |
7/64 |
KSW-507 |
23/64 |
KSW-523 |
39/64 |
KSW-539 |
55/64 |
KSW-555 |
1/8 |
KSW-508 |
3/8 |
KSW-524 |
5/8 |
KSW-540 |
7/8 |
KSW-556 |
9/64 |
KSW-509 |
25/64 |
KSW-525 |
41/64 |
KSW-541 |
57/64 |
KSW-557 |
5/32 |
KSW-510 |
13/32 |
KSW-526 |
21/32 |
KSW-542 |
29/32 |
KSW-558 |
11/64 |
KSW-511 |
27/64 |
KSW-527 |
43/64 |
KSW-543 |
59/64 |
KSW-559 |
3/16 |
KSW-512 |
7/16 |
KSW-528 |
11/16 |
KSW-544 |
525/16 |
KSW-560 |
13/64 |
KSW-513 |
29/64 |
KSW-529 |
45/64 |
KSW-545 |
61/64 |
KSW-561 |
7/32 |
KSW-514 |
15/32 |
KSW-530 |
23/32 |
KSW-546 |
31/32 |
KSW-562 |
15/64 |
KSW-515 |
31/64 |
KSW-531 |
47/64 |
KSW-547 |
63/64 |
KSW-563 |
1/4 |
KSW-516 |
1/2 |
KSW-532 |
3/4 |
KSW-548 |
1 |
KSW-564 |
17/64 |
KSW-517 |
33/64 |
KSW-533 |
49/64 |
KSW-549 |
9/32 |
KSW-518 |
17/32 |
KSW-534 |
25/32 |
KSW-550 |
Standard Height: Precision ground .937 (accuracy ± .001). Other sizes available on request. High carbon tool steel vacuum hardened.
Straight Wall Plus
The straight wall plus punch is fabricated on a base which is 1/64 of an inch larger then the dimension of the finished cutting edge. In other words the cutting edge is formed with an outside precision-machined bevel of .0075. The punches are ground to a cutting edge of .937, and the tolerances of this precision machining process ensure an accurate cutting height of plus or minus .001! As with the original straight wall punches, using the best tool steel in the industry combined with an innovative hardening process and a small bevel support angle, produces a punch which cuts cleanly and a punch whose cutting edge will remain sharp for prolonged diecutting performance.
9/64 |
1/8 |
KSP-708 |
25/64 |
3/8 |
KSP-724 |
5/32 |
9/64 |
KSP-709 |
13/32 |
25/64 |
KSP-725 |
11/64 |
5/32 |
KSP-710 |
27/64 |
13/32 |
KSP-726 |
3/16 |
11/64 |
KSP-711 |
7/16 |
27/64 |
KSP-727 |
13/64 |
3/16 |
KSP-712 |
29/64 |
7/16 |
KSP-728 |
7/32 |
13/64 |
KSP-713 |
15/32 |
29/64 |
KSP-729 |
15/64 |
7/32 |
KSP-714 |
31/64 |
15/32 |
KSP-730 |
1/4 |
15/64 |
KSP-715 |
1/2 |
31/64 |
KSP-731 |
17/64 |
1/4 |
KSP-716 |
33/64 |
1/2 |
KSP-732 |
9/32 |
17/64 |
KSP-717 |
17/32 |
33/64 |
KSP-733 |
19/64 |
9/32 |
KSP-718 |
35/64 |
17/32 |
KSP-734 |
5/16 |
19/64 |
KSP-719 |
9/16 |
35/64 |
KSP-735 |
21/64 |
5/16 |
KSP-720 |
37/64 |
9/16 |
KSP-736 |
11/32 |
21/64 |
KSP-721 |
19/32 |
37/64 |
KSP-737 |
23/64 |
11/32 |
KSP-722 |
39/64 |
19/32 |
KSP-738 |
3/8 |
23/64 |
KSP-723 |
5/8 |
39/64 |
KSP-739 |
Standard height: .937. Other sizes available on request. High carbon tool steel vacuum hardened. |