Diecutting Punches – Rotary

Serrated Rotary Tube

AmeriKen leads the rotary world with the largest variety of serrated punches available. From our most economical line, Performance Plus, to a unique curvature design, Radial Top, AmeriKen has a serrated punch for every application.

Standard heights are .970 and 1″. Additional heights available of .937, .990 and 1.023. Other sizes available on request. Case hardened by vacuum carbonitriding.

Base Outside Bevel Center Bevel Inside Bevel
Size Cut Edge Stock # Cut Edge Stock # Cut Edge Stock #
1/4 9/64 KRS-7 3/16 KRS-9 15/64 KRS-12
5/16 13/64 KRS-13 1/4 KRS-15 19/64 KRS-18
3/8 17/64 KRS-19 5/16 KRS-21 23/64 KRS-24
7/16 21/64 KRS-25 3/8 KRS-27 27/64 KRS-30
1/2 25/64 KRS-31 7/16 KRS-33 31/64 KRS-36
9/16 29/64 KRS-37 1/2 KRS-39 35/64 KRS-42
5/8 33/64 KRS-43 9/16 KRS-45 39/64 KRS-48
11/16 37/64 KRS-49 5/8 KRS-51 43/64 KRS-54
3/4 41/64 KRS-55 11/16 KRS-57 47/64 KRS-60
13/16 45/64 KRS-61 3/4 KRS-63 51/64 KRS-66
7/8 49/64 KRS-67 13/16 KRS-69 55/64 KRS-72
15/16 53/64 KRS-73 7/8 KRS-75 59/64 KRS-78
1″ 57/64 KRS-79 15/16 KRS-81 63/64 KRS-84
1-1/16 61/64 KRS-85 1″ KRS-87 1-3/64 KRS-90
1-1/8 1-1/64 KRS-91 1-1/16 KRS-93 1-7/64 KRS-96
1-3/16 1-5/64 KRS-97 1-1/8 KRS-99 1-11/64 KRS-102
1-1/4 1-9/64 KRS-103 1-3/16 KRS-105 1-15/64 KRS-108
1-5/16 1-13/64 KRS-109 1-1/4 KRS-111 1-19/64 KRS-114
1-3/8 1-17/64 KRS-115 1-5/16 KRS-117 1-23/64 KRS-120
1-1/2 1-25/64 KRS-127 1-7/16 KRS-129 1-31/64 KRS-132

Ultimate Rotary Punch

Our Top of the Line Rotary Diecutting Punch – The Ultimate Rotary Punch brings a new standard to rotary diecutting. The punch is “Rotary Friendly”, no more rocking, less tearing of the stock, and less damage to the dieboard or anvil blankets.

The special features include Inside serrated bevel that aids in self ejection, allowing the slug to “pop” right out.  Alignment marks indicate radius for Proper insertion. Flex slots allow a snug, accurate fit. Beveled bottom eases insertion into the die.

The results using an Ultimate Rotary Punch are outstanding compared to a standard serrated punch. There’s less tearing and damage to the stock as shown here.

Why settle for a standard rotary punch when you can have an Ultimate Rotary Punch?

Click here to read in detail about the Ultimate Rotary Punch.

Performance Plus

Base Size & Cut Edge Stock #
1/4 KPP-12
5/16 KPP-18
3/8 KPP-24
7/16 KPP-30
1/2 KPP-36
9/16 KPP-42
5/8 KPP-48
11/16 KPP-54
3/4 KPP-60
13/16 KPP-66
7/8 KPP-72
15/16 KPP-78
1 KPP-84
1-1/8 KPP-96
1-1/4 KPP-108

Standard heights: .970, .990, 1″ and 1.023. Available in Inside Bevel only. Other sizes available on request.

Radial Top

Base Size & Cut Edge Stock #
1/4 KRT-12
5/16 KRT-18
3/8 KRT-24
7/16 KRT-30
1/2 KRT-36
9/16 KRT-42
5/8 KRT-48
11/16 KRT-54
3/4 KRT-60
13/16 KRT-66
7/8 KRT-72
15/16 KRT-78
1 KRT-84
1-1/8 KRT-96
1-3/16 KRT-102
1-1/4 KRT-108

Standard heights: .970 and 1″. Other sizes available on request. See why our Radial Top punches are superior to others on the market.

Serrated Rotary Side Outlet

Base Size Cut Edge Stock #
1/4 1/8 KRS-412
5/16 3/16 KRS-420
3/8 1/4 KRS-428
7/16 5/16 KRS-434
1/2 3/8 KRS-441
5/8 7/16 KRS-454
3/4 1/2 KRS-462

Standard heights are .970 and 1″. Additional heights available of .937, .990 and 1.023. Other sizes available on request. High carbon tool steel vacuum hardened.