Steel Rule

Showing 1–24 of 186 results

  • .469 1.5pt CB MM44 Viking 3.28 meter sticks – In Illinois

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    Quantity Available: 595.000000
  • .472 1.2pt CB SUPERBLADE.45mm CRYO Tsukatani – In Illinois

    WC_Product_Simple Object
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                [name] => .472 1.2pt CB SUPERBLADE.45mm CRYO Tsukatani - In Illinois
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                [date_created] => WC_DateTime Object
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    Quantity Available: 545.000000
  • .472 high .018pt Side Bevel Tsukatani SUPERBLADE S-70 in Illinois

    Out of Stock
  • .500 3pt Perforating Center Bevel 1/32 5/64 Sticks 30″ Zimmer-In Illinois

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    Quantity Available: 281
  • .531 2pt National Edge Hard 1/8×1/8×1/4 Notch Coils in Illinois

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    Quantity Available: 400
  • .687 4pt Center Bevel National Cutting Rule Coils in Illinois

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    Quantity Available: 875.000000
  • .800 4pt-Bd 8pt-Fc Laser Crease STNN 36″ Sticks National-In Texas

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    Quantity Available: 330
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    Quantity Available: 537
  • .830 4pt-Bd 8pt-Fc Laser Crease 86/90 Coil 50′ National-In Texas

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    Quantity Available: 200
  • .850 4pt Crease 75/90 Coil 100′ National- In Nevada

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    Quantity Available: 500
  • .860 3pt CREASE MH National 200′ AB coil – In Texas

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    Quantity Available: 600
  • .860 4pt CREASE MH EZ Bohler 100′ coil – In Nevada

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    Quantity Available: 600
  • .883 4pt-Bd 8pt-Fc Laser Crease 66/45 Coil 50′ National-In Nevada

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    Quantity Available: 200
  • .883 4pt-Bd 8pt-Fc Round Top Laser Crease 37.5/90 Reverse coil 50′ National-In Nevada

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    Quantity Available: 200
  • .885 2pt Right Zipper 70 3/4 Board Sticks 30″ Zimmer-In Texas

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  • .885 2pt 70 Zipper Left 3/4 Board Sticks 30″ Zimmer- In Texas

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    Quantity Available: 248
  • .890 2pt CREASE MH Sandvick 328′ coil – In Illinois

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    Quantity Available: 225
  • .910 2pt Creasing Rule Medium Hard Sandvick Meter Length Sticks in Georgia

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    Quantity Available: 1000
  • .912-895 4pt Combination 1/4 1/4 STNN Coil 100′ National- In Nevada

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    Quantity Available: 390
  • .914 2pt CREASE Bobst 328′ coil – In Illinois

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    Quantity Available: 656
  • .915 2pt-Bd 3pt-Fc S. CREASE National 30″ sticks – In Illinois

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    Quantity Available: 433
  • .916 2pt CREASE MH Bohler 328′ coil – In Illinois

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    Quantity Available: 656
  • .918 2pt MM47 Viking Coil-In Georgia

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