Diemaking Supplies – Metal Perf

Metal Perf-A-Type

Used extensively for coding corrugated containers. Available in alphabet letters, number 0-9, and punctuation symbols, as well as the “recycled” logo. Sharp pronged metal characters are 3/4″ high on one inch adhesive-backed bases for easy attachment to flat or rotary dies. Also available without adhesive. Conveniently predrilled to accomodate nails when necessary. Packaged in bags of six of the same character.


Mini Metal Perf, 1/2″ high, are also available and come in bags of six of the same character.




QuikLok Perf

With QuikLok Perf, installing perf has never been easier. Simply slide one

QuikLok Perf in the track and screw it in place. Next slide your perf-a-types

in the track. Slide in the second QuikLok, pushing all the perf-a-type snugly together, and screw it in place.





Metal-Perf Holder

Sturdy plastic metal-perf holders allow easier placement and positioning.

♦ Green for 1/2″ dieboard in 5 ft. strips
♦ Dark Blue for 1/2″ dieboard in 3 ft. strips
♦ Light Blue for 5/8″ dieoard in 3 ft. strips
♦ Mini-Perf Holder in 39″ strips